A road runs between two bands of low vegetation. To the left of the road is a sandy beach and the ocean, with gentle waves lapping the sand. Two birds fly above the road. Forested mountains are visible at the end of the beach.


A crowded beach is visible through a gap in the trees. The beach is surrounded by rocky, tree-topped cliffs. Residential buildings dot the cliffs. People are scattered through the water, and appear to be swimming. Gentle foamy waves are visible where the water meets the beach.


Low gentle waves appear in the foreground, spread across the width of the photo. Larger waves break behind them. Two kitesurfers crest the largest wave. The sky is dotted with kitesurfing kites. In the background, a rocky, forested island is visible on the horizon.

Barra da Tijuca

A nearly empty crescent beach wraps around a bay enclosed by forested hills. Foamy waves gently lap the sand. Some people appear to be gathered towards the far end of the beach. Image: Pedro Kirilos/Riotur


An aerial view of Copacabana beach. A wide strip of sand curves along a bay. The beach is busy with people, but not crowded. To the left of the sand is the sea, with waves lapping the sand. To the right of the sand is a road and, on the other side of the road, a row of multistory buildings. Image: Rafael Catarcione/Riotur.


An aerial view of a stretch of sand lining a bay. A large cluster of rock abuts the beach at the point where it meets the next bay. Image: Riotur